My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Remove the berry from a Physalis pod without ripping the sepal

Remove the fruit without ripping the lanterns of a Physalis

Cut the fruit from the sepal around the bottom of the berry. Pull the berry out.

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


8 October 2011 Roll spiral blossoms

Cut leaves and petals and roll a spiral blossom

Favourite Flowers


Chinese lantern, cape gooseberry, Peruvian cherry, Inca berry

Related Designs

7 October 2011 Thanksgiving Harvest

Thanksgiving pumpkin with Chinese lanterns and spiral blossoms

3 October 2018 But what’s inside?

This week we are looking at the contents pages of my book... but more specifically at the sweet little pod design on the content page of my book.

9 November 2022 All Pumpkind Out

A physalis husk pumpkin to celebrate the last bright rays of Autumn.