My Creative Workbook

Christine de Beer - effortless floral craftsman

Unravel Sisal string to get Sisal Fibers

I purchase a huge roll of sisal string to use... sometimes as string, but mostly I unravel it for the fibers

Cut a length of sisal string

Cut a length of sisal string... Look carefully at the string to see which way the fibers are wound

Twist the fibers to loosen

Twist the fibers in the opposite direction to loosen

Work your way down the string

Work your way down the length of the string

Fluff out the fibers

Fluff out the fibers

Every week I add a new design with related tutorials. Be sure to subscribe to receive an email notification with design inspiration.


26 June 2012 Berry dye for sisal fibers

Soak sisal fibres in strawberry and black berry juice to stain it purple

19 June 2013 Sisal Disk

Create a inflexible circle armature to hang flowers from

8 May 2013 Glue a Sisal Fiber Bubble

Mix Sisal fibers and glue to make a bubble

Related Designs

28 August 2013 Losing some of that Muchness

A barely there sisal Mad Hatter's floral hat

12 November 2014 The Thing Is

Use a glue mixture to shape skeleton leaves into a lacy bowl

19 November 2014 Forest Floor

Glue a autumn leaf rosette armature

27 May 2015 Limelight

My RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2015 Limelight Floral Art Design. My Limelight design was inspired by a slice of lime. But I wanted it to look like it was spun by a butterfly. I used...

9 September 2015 Fall Treasures

A sisal mat armature for fall twigs flowers and leaves

23 November 2016 All things Autumn (by which I mean all things chocolate): Another perspective

This was the third design I did in my "All things Autumn (by which I mean all things chocolate)" floral art demonstration

22 March 2017 Biomimicry

A design demonstration and workshop at the Floral Trends Design group in South Africa exploring how we emulate nature’s best biological ideas to solve our modern day design...

22 March 2017 Biomimicry Demonstration and Workshop at the Floral Trends Design Group, South African Flower Union

Looking at how we emulate nature’s best biological ideas to solve our modern day design problems.

22 March 2017 Biomimicry Demonstration and Workshop video

Looking back at the preparations and my Biomimicry design demonstration and workshop at the Floral Trends Design Group in South Africa

21 June 2023 Floral Hurricane

My Floral Hurricane design entry for the BC Floral Art Society mini show competition